Abstract keyword in Java

  • 10 March 2020
  • ADM

The abstract keyword is used in Java for abstraction. The abstraction is the process of selecting data and displaying only the relevant details to the object. If helps to reduce the programing complexity and the efort.

All keywords in Java

  • 09 March 2020
  • ADM

Keywords are special words in the programing language which have reserved use in the language. Keywords may not be used as identifiers in Java; for example you cannot declare a field whose name is a keyword.

Robots.txt File in SEO

  • 13 February 2020
  • George

A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which pages or files the crawler can or can't request from your site. This is used mainly to avoid overloading your site with requests; it is not a mechanism for keeping a web page out of Google. To keep a web page out of Google, you should use noindex directives, or to password-protect your page.

How to use JSON Object in JavaScript

  • 06 February 2020
  • ADM

JSON is part of JavaScript programming language and is the main choise when it comes to data manipulation in JavaScript.

JSON is used from storing data, transfering data between client and server to configuring data.

How to read CSV file in Golang

  • 23 December 2019
  • ADM

How to read CSV file in Golang using reader from encoding/csv package. For this example we took an simple example of a CSV file containing three columns name, address and phone.

How to change DNS settings from command line

  • 18 June 2019
  • ADM

The command line tool used to change the DNS settings is netsh which allows you to configure just about any aspect of your network connections in Windows. In order to use the tool the command line needs to be started as Administrator.