MySQL Cheat Sheet - Quick Reference Guide

  • 24 April 2023
  • ADM

A concise MySQL cheat sheet providing a quick reference guide for common MySQL commands, database and table operations, data manipulation, and more.

Your Cybersecurity 101 Guide to Home and Business

  • 17 December 2021
  • Emma

As technology continues to evolve and we spend more time on our computers and cell phones, we not only have more convenience but also more of a threat from cybercriminals that want to steal your data and your identity. If you are a business owner or a home user, you must be careful, or you could easily fall for a cybercrime scam. Here at the ADMFactory, we know about tech and security and the importance of it, and we have some common-sense tips and advice for securing your devices.

Sending emails with Golang

  • 20 June 2020
  • ADM

To send an email directly from Golang you can use the package smtp which implements the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) as defined in RFC 5321. You also need a mail server, for this tutorial will use the Gmail mail server.

Strings functions in Golang

  • 19 April 2020
  • ADM

List of Golang string functions tested example and short description.

The strings package provides many useful string-related functions.

Base64 Decode in Golang

  • 15 April 2020
  • ADM

Golang programing language provides built-in suport for base64 decoding. The base64 functions are available into the encoding/base64 package. It provides implementations for both Standard, with or without padding and Filename safe Base64 decoding variant.

Maps in Golang

  • 14 April 2020
  • ADM

Golang maps implements a hash table. Hash tables are one of the most used data structure. A hash table is an unordered collection of key-value pairs, where each key is unique.