Create a Web Application with Maven in Eclipse

  • 11 April 2016
  • ADM

How to create a Web Application with Maven in Eclipse using maven-archetype-webapp archetype and tested on Apache Tomcat.

Eclipse proxy authentication required

  • 10 March 2017
  • ADM

Recently I encountered this problem: not being able to install a new plugin from "Eclipse marketplace.." or"Install new software...". The problem displayed is "HTTP Proxy Authentication Required". The problem was because my computer was behind a proxy server.

If statement vs try catch block

  • 07 March 2016
  • ADM

Real live comparison:

If statement is like walking on the cliff, on each step you need to check your stability otherwise you may fall into abyss.

Try/catch block is like walking on the street, you don't have to care about the road on each step, only when there is an obstacle (something exceptional is happening).