Windows basics commands and tools for developers

  • 23 May 2016
  • ADM

Windows command prompt basics commands like ping, telnet, dir, cd, ipconfig and tools like Task Manager, Services, Registry.

How to prepare a Windows Java Development Machine

  • 05 April 2016
  • ADM

How to prepare a Windows Java Development Machine using Eclipse, NetBeans, Ant, Maven, MySQL, MongoDB, GIT, SVN.

How to connect to MySQL with JDBC driver

  • 20 May 2016
  • ADM

How to connect to MySQL database with MySQL JDBC driver. Get a new connection using DriverManager class.

How to install Maven on windows

  • 12 May 2016
  • ADM

It's very simple to install Apache Maven on Windows. All you need is to download the .zip archive, configure Windows path variable and you are ready to go.

Eclipse proxy authentication required

  • 10 March 2017
  • ADM

Recently I encountered this problem: not being able to install a new plugin from "Eclipse marketplace.." or"Install new software...". The problem displayed is "HTTP Proxy Authentication Required". The problem was because my computer was behind a proxy server.

Install JBOSS Tools in Eclipse

  • 23 March 2016
  • ADM

JBoss Tools is an umbrella project for a set of Eclipse Luna plugins that includes support for JBoss and related technologies, such as Hibernate, JBoss AS, CDI, Aerogear Hybrid Mobile, Apache Cordova, Docker, FeedHenry, JSF, (X)HTML, Seam, Maven, and more.