Base64 Encode in Golang

  • 15 April 2020
  • ADM

Golang programing language provides built-in suport for base64 encoding. The base64 functions are available into the encoding/base64 package. It provides implementations for both Standard, with or without padding and Filename safe Base64 encoding variant.

Abstract keyword in Java

  • 10 March 2020
  • ADM

The abstract keyword is used in Java for abstraction. The abstraction is the process of selecting data and displaying only the relevant details to the object. If helps to reduce the programing complexity and the efort.

All keywords in Java

  • 09 March 2020
  • ADM

Keywords are special words in the programing language which have reserved use in the language. Keywords may not be used as identifiers in Java; for example you cannot declare a field whose name is a keyword.

How to use JSON Object in JavaScript

  • 06 February 2020
  • ADM

JSON is part of JavaScript programming language and is the main choise when it comes to data manipulation in JavaScript.

JSON is used from storing data, transfering data between client and server to configuring data.

How to remove a remote from git

  • 14 April 2020
  • ADM

To remove a remote you can use the command git remote rm in the terminal, from the root folder of your repository.

How to remane a remote from git

  • 10 August 2018
  • ADM

To rename a remote you can use the command git remote rename in the terminal, from the root folder of your repository.