How to display folder tree structure in command line

  • 05 July 2017
  • ADM


How to display folder tree structure in command line - images/logos/windows.jpg


To display the folder tree structure in the command line in Windows you can use the tree command.

Tree command allows the user to view a listing of files and folders in an easy to read listing way. The command is available in all Windows versions and MS-DOS OS.


To see the command syntax and all possible parameters run the following command:

D:\> tree /?
Graphically displays the folder structure of a drive or path.

TREE [drive:][path] [/F] [/A]

   /F   Display the names of the files in each folder.
   /A   Use ASCII instead of extended characters.


tree command without any parameters will display the structure of the current folder.

Here is the output of current folder including the files.

D:\>tree /F
Folder PATH listing for volume data
Volume serial number is 0000005D 1EBE:2B45
|   config.xml
|   log.txt
|   |   f1.txt
|   |   f2.txt
|   |   f3.txt
|   |
|   └───dir3
|       |   f4.txt
|       |   f5.txt
|       |
|       └───dir4
|               f6.txt
|               f7.txt
|   |   f1.txt
|   |   f2.txt
|   |   f3.txt
|   |
|   └───dir3
|       |   f4.txt
|       |   f5.txt
|       |
|       └───dir4
|               f6.txt
|               f7.txt
|   |   f1.txt
|   |   f2.txt
|   |   f3.txt
|   |
|   └───dir3
|       |   f4.txt
|       |   f5.txt
|       |
|       └───dir4
|               f6.txt
|               f7.txt
    |   f1.txt
    |   f2.txt
    |   f3.txt
        |   f4.txt
        |   f5.txt